New project at Sarajevo International Airport - BookCrossing, in cooperation with PI Libraries of Sarajevo

    Sarajevo International Airport and PI Libraries of Sarajevo started a joint cultural project – BookCrossing, being widely used in the world, and especially at airports. From now on, the passengers waiting for their flights may enjoy reading a book, then take it on board the plane and leave it at next BookCrossing point, at any airport worldwide. Passenger may also leave here their own books, beside those from other airports.
    The initial book totals, mainly including fiction, have been provided by Libraries of Sarajevo. The books are available in several world languages and official BiH ones, adjusted to readers of any age.
    This "flying library" is a part of the global project called Bookcrossing -"Flying book". On idea of the Libraries of Sarajevo, as the first airport in BiH, Sarajevo International Airport joined the project whose intention is to capture a wide reading public.
    BookCrossing system is based on a network of especially marked airport points which enable passengers on international flights to take books from shelves free of charge, and after reading them on board aircraft, leave them on any of those book shelves at airports all over the world.
    Basic idea of the BookCrossing is to make a book available to everyone instead of being kept on a shelf at home or in a library.